Only the highest grades of tuna are used for Sashimi and only the highest quality tuna return high prices to the fisherman. In order to assure that tuna is of the highest quality possible, both the tuna’s brain and spinal column should be crushed as soon as they are board the vessel.
1.First the Brain Crusher tool is used to destroy the brain and make a hole in the tuna’s head which gives access to the spinal column.
2. New THOR is inserted into the spinal column and pushed through the center of the spinal column through its entire length. This process completely killsallactivityofthefish’snervous system.
3. The fish is then bled thoroughly by making a small cut behind the lateral fin. This process should be followed, even if the fish’s head is removed prior to icing.
4. The New THOR should be left in place so that buyers are aware that this process has been performed.