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I am a retired Seafood specialist & RTI activist.As whistle blower I exposed the Commerce Ministry's VRS fraud on Central govt. employees,covered under Pension Rules & waging a lone legal battle for the restoration of pension.Chennai coordinator for SRKVMSchool,Manalmedu.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Top: Blocks of authentic hon-bushibonito, with the desired coating of mold. The fish is preserved through drying and a fermentation process that cleverly uses microorganisms.
Above: Flakes of hon-bushi.
The other common base for dashi is dried bonito fish (katsuo-bushi). When you see it you might not believe it is seafood, and this is even harder to believe when you bang two pieces together—they make a clear, high-pitched sound like wooden clappers. Katsuo-bushi is known as the world's hardest food.
To make the dashi, first shave off thin flakes with a plane specially made for the job. Drop the shavings in boiling water, turn off the heat right away, let the flakes sit in the water for a while, and then remove them. Or you could drop them in the water just before it boils, and take them out as soon as it does. In either case, the result is a stock called ichi-ban dashi (“number-one stock”). This dashi is great for clear soups.
The wet shavings can be reheated in water to extract more nutrients and flavor. This ni-ban dashi (“number-two stock”) is used for stews, miso soup and many other dishes.
Chefs prefer to shave off flakes just before using them, but today it is common to buy packaged shavings. The wholesaler Nakano frowns on the easy way: “To get the best taste and fragrance you should shave off the flakes yourself from a bonito block. And the bonito should be prepared properly. That's how to get the authentic taste.”
Nakano Katsuhiko's wholesale business is called Fushitaka. His outlet in the Tsukiji Market in Tokyo has a nice, freshly shaven katsuo-bushi fragrance. Japanese-language website:
Nakano's demand for authenticity is met by thekatsuo-bushi maker Kubo Norihide in Makurazaki, Kagoshima Prefecture. The city produces morekatsuo-bushi than anywhere else in Japan. Kubo's company has about 10 employees, and they are on the job soon after 6 a.m.
The first step is to clean the fish and cut it into large pieces. The pieces are arranged neatly in sieves, then lowered into water that is kept at the right temperature—about 90°C—to prevent the fish from developing cracks. After simmering for some time, the fish comes out of the water, any remaining bones are removed, and the pieces are trimmed to form blocks. Next, the blocks are smoked over a smoldering wood fire, allowed to cool at air temperature, then smoked and cooled again several more times.
At this stage the product is called ara-bushi. Mostara-bushi is flaked, packaged and sold as ready-to-use flakes, but to make authentic dashi a few more steps are needed. The ara-bushi should be dried in the sun, the natural tars shaved off the surface, and the blocks reshaped nicely. At this stage the blocks are called hadaka-bushi.
Now it is time to cure the blocks with a mold. The dried hadaka-bushi is placed in a room with temperature and humidity controls until aspergillus mold develops on it. Next comes another bout of sun drying. Then the mold is scraped off, the fish goes back into the curing room, and then it is sun-dried again. This process is repeated about four times. The final result is authentic hon-bushi.
The smoked bonito fillets, with their coating of mold, are dried in the sun. The sun and mold reduce the water content and enhance the flavor.
The mold draws moisture slowly but surely from the fish, giving it the dry, hard finish it is famous for. The mold also breaks down fatty substances in the fish and builds up amino acids to give the final product extra flavor.
This hon-bushi manufacturing process is complicated and repetitive, and takes about six months. For someone who puts productivity first the process makes little financial sense. But Kubo would disagree: “They sell cheap katsuo-bushi, but we would rather keep making it the traditional way—after all, the real thing tastes better.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facebook (2) | Katsuobushi

Facebook (2) | Katsuobushi

Katsuobushi (鰹節 or かつおぶし) is the Japanese name for a preparation of dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, sometimes referred to as bonito). Katsuobushi andkombu (a type of kelp) are the main ingredients of dashi, a broth that forms the basis of many soups (such as miso soup) and sauces (e.g., soba no tsukejiru) in Japanese cuisine. It is today typically found in bags of small pink-brown shavings. Larger, thicker shavings, called kezurikatsuo (削り鰹; けずりかつお), are used to make the ubiquitous dashi stock. Smaller, thinner shavings, called hanakatsuo (花鰹; はなかつお), are used as a flavoring and topping for many Japanese dishes, such asokonomiyaki. Traditionally, large chunks of katsuobushi were kept at hand and shaved when needed with an instrument called a katsuobushi kezuriki, similar to a wood plane, but in the desire for convenience this form of preparation has nearly disappeared. Katsuobushi, however, retains its status as one of the primary ingredients in Japanese cooking today.

Katsuobushi's umami flavor comes from its high inosinic acid content. Traditionally made katsuobushi, known as karebushi, is deliberately planted with fungus (Aspergillus glaucus) in order to reduce moisture.

katsuobushi | Tumblr

katsuobushi | Tumblr

Furikake (振り掛け / ふりかけ?) is a dry Japanese condiment[1] meant to be sprinkled on top of rice. It typically consists of a mixture of dried and ground fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate. Other flavorful ingredients such as katsuobushi(sometimes indicated on the package as bonito), or okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce and dried again), salmon, shiso, egg, powdered miso, vegetables, etc. are often added to the mix.

Furikake is often brightly colored and flaky. It can have a slight fish or seafood flavoring, and is sometimes spicy. It can be used in Japanese cooking for pickling foods for onigiri, or rice balls.

Outside Japan, furikake can be found in most Asian groceries (near the katsuobushi) or in the ethnic food aisle of some major supermarkets.- Wikipedia.

Anyway this japanese seasoning was introduced to me when Aunty Jane made japanese rice balls for both Freda and I to munch on before we went for an evening mass at Christ the King church. It tasted so good that my mom always bought them whenever she makes a trip down to the supermarket.

It goes super well with rice!

YouTube - Katsuobushi and Hongarebushi production

YouTube - Katsuobushi and Hongarebushi production

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish) - Sri Lanka Cooking | Sri Lankan Food Recipes With How To Cook Videos

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish) - Sri Lanka Cooking | Sri Lankan Food Recipes With How To Cook Videos

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish)

4 tablespoons Maldive fish
2 tablespoons red dry chili pieces
1 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
2 tablespoons lime juice
salt – to taste

Firstly ground salt, chili pieces and chili powder in a mortar and pestle (Wangediya) .Then add maldive fish into the mortar and pestle and chop it till it is small pieces.(Same time mix it nicely with the salt mixer.) When you feel all the ingredients are nicely chopped & mixed together, takeout the mixer in to a bowl and add lime juice. Again mix it well & taste for salt.


You can have this with milk rice, rice, roti(Naan), hoppers, and string hoppers too.

If you can’t find maldive fish, you can use dry prawns or shrimp also.

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish) - Sri Lanka Cooking | Sri Lankan Food Recipes With How To Cook Videos

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish) - Sri Lanka Cooking | Sri Lankan Food Recipes With How To Cook Videos

Katta Sambola (Mix of Chili & Maldive Fish)

4 tablespoons Maldive fish
2 tablespoons red dry chili pieces
1 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
2 tablespoons lime juice
salt – to taste

Firstly ground salt, chili pieces and chili powder in a mortar and pestle (Wangediya) .Then add maldive fish into the mortar and pestle and chop it till it is small pieces.(Same time mix it nicely with the salt mixer.) When you feel all the ingredients are nicely chopped & mixed together, takeout the mixer in to a bowl and add lime juice. Again mix it well & taste for salt.


You can have this with milk rice, rice, roti(Naan), hoppers, and string hoppers too.

If you can’t find maldive fish, you can use dry prawns or shrimp also.

Katsuobushi, Recipe Katsuobushi

Katsuobushi, Recipe Katsuobushi


Posted the 29/01/2010 06:01:00 By Basic Eating: Food Defined, Not Refined. (Visit website)

On our most recent foray to our local Japanese market, in Brookline Village, we picked up some bonito flakes. There are fish called bonitos, but this name is a misnomer. These flakes are better off called katsuobushi, which describes exactly where they come from - katsuo, aka skipjack tuna.

History: This is one of the primary ingredients of Japanese cuisine, and has probably been around for much longer than lox. Similar to lox, it's a dried and smoked fish product, but it's also fermented, which is what imparts the very strong umami flavor.

Worldwide Production: 150 thousand tons, nearly all in Kagoshima Prefecture, in the extreme south west of Japan.

Processing: All katsuobushi starts with whole fillets of skipjack tuna. These are first cooked in very hot, not quite boiling water, and then smoked repeatedly until they are very dry. They are then sun dried until the water content is approximately 13-15%. At this point they are allowed to get moldy. The first mold is usually Penicillium, which is rubbed off. Then, the mold Aspergillus glaucus comes along; this is also known as katsuobushi mold. This mold and its close relatives break down the fats and proteins in the fish, and the end result is a hunk of katsuobushi. This is traditionally shaved off at the time of use (reminiscent of certain cheeses) but is now frequently sold in flaked form, in plastic bags.

Eating: Katsuobushi can be eaten as a condiment, simply sprinkled onto anything that you might want to. It is also one of the two fundamental ingredients of miso soup and soba sauces. As my cat Misty can attest vigorously, bonito flakes are also one of the most frequently encountered cat treats. Yum!

Health Information: Nobody's going to eat enough katsuobushi (except maybe a cat) to derive significant calories, so not too much to say there. The strong umami taste has been determined to come from inosinic acid. This really makes meat and fish flavors pop, so perhaps the biggest health benefit of katsuobushi is that you can eat less meat while enjoying it more!

Sustainability: See above, if it helps you eat less meat. One issue is that there's no way you're going to get your hands on this product in the United States without buying a lot of plastic.

Where to Find: Not to far from me is the Japan Village Mart, which carries plenty of katsuobushi. Find yourself a local Japanese market and you will have a steady supply.

Relevant Blog: Besotted Ramblings and Other Drivel: I think this blog wins the best name, hands down. The post is to a quest for a real chunk of bonito.

Bottom Line: Try some katsuobushi instead of grated cheese over your next whatever, and you won't be disappointed.